Referendum Vote

Referendum Vote

UPDATED: Mar. 20, 2024

As a 2/3 affirmative majority of eligible voters was not achieved in the recent referendum, SectionVI.2(b)(15), Air Conditioning Units of the Reston Deed remains in effect.

As stated in the Deed, “Air Conditioning Units in any residential Cluster in which central air-conditioning service is available to the Lot Line, no individual air-conditioning units of any type shall be permitted. This covenant may only be amended or revoked by at least a two-thirds vote of the Category A Members of all residential Clusters on the service.”

Medical Exemptions

As has been the case, Cluster members with a medical need must receive a medical exemption from Covenants Committee prior to submitting a DRB application for an HVAC system. Properties without an approved medical exemption will not be permitted to install exterior HVAC systems.

The Covenants Committee will be reviewing completed health exemptions via email by unanimous consent on a rolling basis.  Any member who submits a reasonable accommodation request each Thursday before 12 p.m. will have their request reviewed via email by the following Monday with decisions going out as early as that Tuesday.   This new process will prevent members waiting for a decision to their requests for the once per month meeting of the Covenants Committee.

In addition, staff and the DRB have been collaborating with each of the six affected clusters to get cluster standards reviewed and approved to streamline the DRB application process.  The 2024 Exterior HVAC Application  was created to help guide members through the DRB requirements necessary to process an HVAC application request.  The use of this application is not required but is highly encouraged.  If members would like to use the original DRB application – they may do so.   Members may also view a Sample HVAC Application to help guide them through the process.