Help With Invasive Plant Species Removal

(Posted Jul. 11, 2023) Invasive plant life is an issue with which many Reston property owners, including cluster and condo associations, must contend. Whether it’s bamboo or English Ivy, invasives can threaten other healthy, native plant life and impact property values. Fairfax County’s ordinance requiring that all running bamboo be contained on an owner’s property as of January 1, 2023, is just one reflection of the concern surrounding the impact of unmitigated invasive plant growth in our community.

The Audubon Society of Northern Virginia is currently offering mini-grants for projects aimed at rescuing trees that are being threatened by certain types of invasive species. Community associations sponsoring projects that meet the application requirements can apply for reimbursement and fund matching; applications are due by August 15, 2023. Click here to learn more about the application requirements for this Audubon Society opportunity, and click hereto submit your application.

The National Park Service also offers a 2-day Weed Warrior training designed to educate participants on all aspects of invasive plant identification and removal. This two-part instruction module is comprised of virtual and in-person learning opportunities, including invasive removal fieldwork along the George Washington Memorial Parkway; next training dates are in early August, click here to learn more and register today.


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