Budget 2024-2025

Budget 2024-2025 Overview

Budget Development Process

NOTICE: To access documents and materials related to the 2024 budget process please click here. To access the form please click the link above.

Every two years, the Reston Association Board of Directors adopts a biennial budget to direct the organization’s spending in various program areas. The budget is divided into two parts: the operating budget, which details RA’s operating revenues and expenses (e.g. running the pools, managing the Walker Nature Center, staffing the front desk, etc.) and the capital budget, which outlines the projects that will be undertaken (e.g. maintaining pathways, repairing bridges, sealing cracks in the tennis courts, etc.).

Before the budget is adopted, the board, committees and staff go through a multi-step process to gather community input. This process includes public meetings, board work sessions, Fiscal Committee meetings, and hearings on draft versions of the budget. Through these meetings, the board identifies revenues and expenses that should be added or eliminated based on the Association’s strategic goals.

Financial Statements

Throughout the year, the board's resource management activity is assisted by monthly finance reports provided by the Treasurer. The association's books are examined annually by an independent auditing firm. To view these reports click the link below.

To access documents related to the budget please click here.