RA, Fairfax County Seeking Public’s Input on Comprehensive Plan

(Posted Sept. 9, 2022) Reston Association and Fairfax County government are providing Reston residents with several opportunities to offer feedback about the Reston Comprehensive Plan. The amended plan, which is a guide for local land-use and development decisions, was recently revised by a 31-member community task force and is now in the final stages of the review process before being sent to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for approval in December.


The Reston Association Board of Directors is working to inform and mobilize the community in support of key positions related to the comprehensive plan. The association’s stance on matters related to the comprehensive plan are divided into the following categories:

·      Parks and Recreation

·      Land Use/Infrastructure

·      Environment

·      Transportation

·      Equity

Click here to read the details of RA’s position points and to register your support by filling out a short online form. Your participation in this process will be shared with Hunter Mill District Supervisor, Walter Alcorn, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.

RA is also hosting an informational community meeting on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the association’s headquarters, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive. Members are encouraged to attend this important community session that will provide additional information about the comprehensive plan and RA’s 19 advocacy points in the above noted topic areas.


Reston Association headquarters will also be the site for an additional community meeting hosted by the Reston Citizens Association on Monday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. Alcorn and Planning Commissioner John Carter are scheduled to participate in the meeting about the comprehensive plan.


Residents and those who work in Reston can submit comments directly to the county about the comprehensive plan through Oct. 28. Click here to provide your feedback online. Additionally, the public is being asked by county officials to attend one or more of the following in-person and virtual meetings.

Community Meeting (Transportation Focus)
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 5 p.m.
Virtual WebEx Meeting 

Community Meeting (Economic Development Focus)
Thursday, Sept. 15, 5 p.m.
Virtual WebEx Meeting

 In-Person Community Meeting
Thursday, Sept. 22, 7 p.m.
Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate, 12125 Pinecrest Road

 Lunch & Learn
Friday, Sept. 23, 12 p.m.
Virtual WebEx Meeting

In-Person Community Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Venue and time TBD

Lunch & Learn
Wednesday, Sept 28, 12 p.m.
Virtual WebEx Meeting

Following Fairfax government’s public comment period, county staff will prepare a report with recommendations for the plan’s text. The report recommendations will be presented at public hearings before the county’s Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in November and December.


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