Board of Directors Elects Officers


(Posted May 14, 2020) The Reston Association Board of Directors elected its four officers for the coming year at a virtual meeting Wednesday, May 13. The officers are:

President: Julie Bitzer

Vice president: Caren Anton

Secretary: John Mooney

Treasurer: Robert Petrine

Bitzer previously served on the board as vice president. She is the South Lakes District Director. Mooney is returning to his role as secretary. He is the North Point District Director. Anton is also a returning board member and represents the Hunters Woods/Dogwood District. Petrine was elected to the board as an At-Large director in the 2020 election. Click here for more information about all the RA board members.

Committee assignments were also made during the Zoom meeting. Another virtual meeting of the board will be held May 21 at 6:30 p.m. To join the meeting, please use the following login:

Meeting ID: 979 0149 2579

Password: Reston2020


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